streaming insights with confluent

High Performance. Resilient. Real-Time Intelligence.

data in motion

As a trusted Confluent Engineering Partner, GoodLabs has extensive experience designing and building Data & Event Mesh with Confluent infrastructure using multi-region clusters in an on-prem-cloud hybrid environment that will satisfy customers' latency, data resiliency, and budget constraints.

need low latency?

A 2.5 Multi-Region Kafka Cluster is proven for delivering on low latency, high throughput business requirements with resiliency.

need higher resiliency?

A 3 Multi-Region Kafka Cluster provides the greatest resiliency for your mission-critical applications.

self-serve onboarding

Leverage your existing developer-friendly CI/CD pipeline. Enable your team to quickly spin up new infrastructure, onboard new topics and schemas, and deploy new producer and consumer applications using the same peer review and approval process.

unified data analytics

Our expertise with Confluent and its Connector framework enables us to unify multiple event sources for near real-time analytics, which is crucial for detecting fraud. This capability ensures seamless data aggregation and simplifies integration with platforms like Databricks and Neo4j, enhancing our customers' analytics and machine learning potential while enabling data relationship exploration. Our design is robust, handling over 8TB of daily real-time data, supporting diverse analytical demands and maximizing data value to provide actionable insights.

performance tuning

We specialize in optimizing Confluent spanning multiple domains, including capital markets, where we ensure low latency and data resiliency. We excel in configuring Confluent for high-volume data, turning it into actionable insights for applications from trade analytics to risk management. Our optimization process involves tailored performance testing, leveraging techniques like compression algorithms and specific storage and replication settings. We provide customers with clear insights into their Confluent infrastructure's performance, showcasing our dedication to delivering optimized, reliable solutions for diverse use cases.

Accelerator engineering

Our engineering team also has extensive development expertise in Confluent Accelerator Lab technologies such as Confluent Service Mesh, E2E encryption (including librdkafka C library in mainframe environment), and Parallel Consumer. We work closely with Confluent's Accelerator Lab Team to help customers ensure secure, reliable data communication and processing with the latest Confluent technologies. This expertise ensures that our customers' Confluent platforms are robust, secure, and capable of handling modern data architectures' demanding requirements.

confluent streaming a.i.

The streaming data platform is crucial in enhancing AI's ability to use real-time cases, such as identifying sophisticated vishing tactics by integrating live voice streams and historical context. It ensures robust data governance and a comprehensive data catalogue, which are essential for AI's effective decision-making and learning capabilities with continuous adaptation.

We are pioneers in integrating AI models within the Confluent and Flink ecosystem, setting new standards in deploying AI for inference, training, and MLOps. Our close partnership with Confluent enables us to continuously provide feedback to Confluent to improve the Confluent and Flink pipeline, optimizing it for AI-driven applications. This collaboration ensures our customers get seamless, efficient, and scalable AI deployments.

contact us

For top-tier Confluent engineering services, including infrastructure design, deployment, performance tuning, and the latest accelerator lab technologies, look no further. Our team is ready to craft a solution that caters to your unique needs, ensuring optimal performance of your Confluent platform.